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Days of the Week
Monday | lunes | loo-nays |
Tuesday | martes | mar-tays |
Wednesday | miércoles | mee-air-coh-lays |
Thursday | jueves | hway-bays |
Friday | viernes | bee-air-nays |
Saturday | sábado | sah-bah-doh |
Sunday | domingo | doh-ming-oh |
day | el día | dee-ah |
week | la semana | say-mahn-ah |
weekend | el fin de semana | feen day say-mahn-ah |
today | hoy | oy |
tonight | esta noche | es-tah noh-chay |
last night | anoche | ah-noh-chay |
yesterday | ayer | eye-yair |
tomorrow | mañana | mahn-yahn-ah |
my birthday | mi cumpleaños | mee coom-play-ahn-yohs |
next | próximo / próxima | prok-see-moh / mah |
last | pasado / pasada | pah-sah-doh / dah |
day before yesterday | anteayer | ahn-teh-eye-yair |
day after tomorrow | pasado mañana | pah-sah-doh mahn-yahn-ah |
the following day | el día siguiente | dee-ah see-gwee-ehn-teh |
Days of the Week